Sometimes my posts can serve as something of a diary, with the dates out of sequence. The same thing holds true about my studio releases. I had been a songwriter for decades prior to producing or releasing anything, with many songs written long ago that are now brand new.
Information is like that. Even if it's ancient history, it's brand new information upon its discovery. New information? Mostly that hindsight can lend greater perspective. The old adage "hindsight is 20/20" is not really true; because, some will pick apart the past unto false narratives.
Because people experience time in such a linear way, it's so very common to put boundaries within certain states of being. We exist societally in a certain way, unto a certain point, and then that moment passes unto the next. I know many people are beginning to question this way of being. Are stages or levels really appropriate in all circumstances?
Perhaps, as long as vastly differing levels of intelligences exist, this mustneeds be so. Not so, however, that human compassion should be so limited as to negate humanity's well-being on a larger scale -- nor limited by humans by way of algorithms and "all-the-buzz" of AI.
Be gentle, o' masters of the maths...and I mean those yet to come. Those now postulate upon a flash, indicating nothing.