The era of the woke, the heightened political correctness...and the cancel culture? How do human beings collectively view information?
For me, the reasons concern attributes of our species which make me question everything about technology; not that anything in and of itself is intrinsically bad, per se. This sentiment will boil down to capability and potentiality. Human beings seem to be fairly base creatures still, wholly incapable of the technology we wield collectively. Really. My great-grandparents lived similarly to how the Amish live — born in a time before public utilities were even widespread. So, oil-lamps, candles, horses, wells, trash-burning, burning wood and coal, and outhouses were all normal parts of everyday life.
Speaking of narrative, there is this conspiratorial notion that something extra-terrestrial happened in New Mexico in 1947. The story goes in many different tangents depending on where you look, but it pertains to this collective idea that 1) advanced alien civilizations have visited earth; 2) an alien spacecraft, possibly occupied, crash-landed on Earth in New Mexico in 1947; 3) the controlling forces of our globe — whether governmental or corporate (or both) have reversed engineered this technology from said craft; 4) the controlling forces of our globe hide all of this from the rest of the population for profit.
I look at this with story with great curiosity, perhaps like many others in the last 75 years — except there are very strange attributes to this tale. Why does this narrative even exist? Why does it fascinate the public to the degree that many would argue this as factual?
Information is something more significant than is commonly realized. It influences relative time. If only small amounts of information are allowed to permeate collective consciousness, the collective fills in the blanks. I would surmise that this is a deliberate exercise by those who can control information. Like a dystopian Mad Libs, the blanks become filled with nonsense and suddenly all sorts of paranoid delusions are borne throughout time — viewed as fact. I can't go so far as to postulate this attribute as the beginnings of religion itself directly; however it is not beyond the realm of speculation.
The reason I bring up the Roswell postulation is not only as an example of what may be some sort of weird collective delusion, or perhaps that we only have a smattering of the information and the rest has been convoluted around it — but, also to serve as a point of inquiry in regards to our present state as a society on a planetary scale. Sometimes, information is given incorrectly on purpose in order to mislead. This can be done for economic, ideological, or philosophical purposes.
For example, imagine that rather than an alien craft having crash landed in Roswell, NM in 1947 that, if there's any truth at all to any of it, it happened much earlier than that. Perhaps it is more reasonable to fathom that this happened in 1847 instead. This is something that I am addressing without researching every term about which I write. How could I? Yes, there is a lot of reference material, but look at what we're referencing. It is something that, as of this writing, has not been officially acknowledged as fact. If we look at the technological development of our species, for example, humanity has stayed amazingly consistent in primitive ways of living right up until the American Civil War. Granted, there were developments before that too that seem extremely pivotal — but not as frequent nor monumentally so as the succession of innovations surrounding the turn of the 20th century. If we think in terms of information, obviously the printing press was huge but had been around for centuries by the time of the Industrial Revolution. The steam engine and the telegraph really ushered in a time where information could be more greatly manipulated as bits of it could be released faster. History is written, oftentimes incorrectly, after the fact. This brought the level of narrative to a national scale — really the beginnings of a global scale. What was next? Human beings are dirty, ignorant, base creatures, but still capable of great imaginings. People can be fairly smart sometimes, in very small numbers. The cotton gin, the printing press, the steam engine...these are things that are not beyond reason to speculate — that humans had come up with this technology. Whether true or not, this is philosophical speculation based on commonly-known things, if any of it had bases to begin with. When we get to things like electricity in every home, the telegraph and the telephone...ok, also not beyond human intelligence perhaps. However, there was a lot more going on too. The photograph and phonograph too? Information could be sent instantaneously via telegraph, which really would have been the first internet structure. The automobile. Then telephone. Then radio. The technology for television was (publicly) realized during the Great Depression. If you listen to old-time radio broadcasts from that era, they discuss the excitement around this technology. It was not until the mid 1950s, however, that TV "sets" became widely available. Before this, television programming was scant too. But, it is the way technology is released. It is a manner that seems to be a scam at its core.
If someone were to have had digital technology in the 19th century, they could have made millions, right? Imagine if that technology were ripped apart schematically and released incrementally over hundreds of years. Imagine that there are more technologically advanced species involved in this process. There would have to be. Like Star Trek though, I would imagine a species with a space-faring technology to also have an advanced consciousness...and though that's the hope, I don't see this as being clearly so, unless our own consciousness itself is an advanced simulation.
Around the same time, we get the airplane. Holy Toledo. Then it takes off as if it were all a natural progression of human events. Does it seem like the natural progression of human events? Look at all of human history and development. There is something afoot about which we have incomplete information. This pertains to physics itself, I reckon — the controlling of a population unto a purpose. Human beings then go from being able to fly, right to the computer age — all information and innovation being released as slowly as possible to maximize profit in so going from records, to cassettes, to 8-tracks, to compact discs, for example.
It seems like humanity went from shoveling horse shit to splitting the atom.
It really looks like technology from an advanced civilization was dumped onto humanity without the benefit of humanity having any real advanced knowledge - nor knowledge throughout. There's advancement for the benefit of all humankind, only by virtue of trickle-down economics? These are not advanced ethics at all, except for the purposes of exploitation. "Divide and conquer" is not exactly a new tactic — yet one that people seem especially blind to en masse.
These ideas can be viewed from the basis of logic and reason as to what has been the collective capacity of humankind unto a point. Human understanding of time has undoubtedly been deliberately effected by manipulating information unto purposes of control.
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